Getting started - 3 Tips

Raise the bar personal training gym tramore waterford

Incorporating exercise into your lifestyle is essential to creating a happy and healthy life. Exercise does not need to be complicated or overly difficult. If you want to be leaner, stronger and happier, you need simplicity and consistency., but here are some tips that may help.

  1. Find a good coach to guide you.

  2. Do what you enjoy AND what you need.

  3. Accountability is key 

Now, read on…

1 — Find a good coach

Choosing a personal trainer even in a small town like Tramore, Co.Waterford can be difficult but a good coach is essential to you achieving your targets. They will set the plan out and how to achieve it. When choosing a coach do your homework on their past record, do they get the results you want? Without a coach, it is common to experience injuries, poor results or de-motivation. Take into consideration how the coaching will be done. Is it personal training? Semi-personal training? Or even group training? If possible, try and start with personal or semi-personal training. You can go from Waterford to Dublin on the motorway, but you can also go the “Old Dublin Road”. A personal trainer is the path of least resistance.

2 — Do what you enjoy AND what you need.

Once you find a good coach, they will help set a program in place for you to get results. Certain people who are “naturally” strong will love strength training. Those who” love to get a sweat”, will always tend to choose cardio type options. Both strength training and cardio training are important for general health and fitness, so we need to have both in place. Choose a coach who has the qualifications and experience to guide you to health and results.  Doing what you love will be easy and doing what you need will help you get the summer six pack.

3 — Accountability is key

Everyone needs to be kept accountable at times. Check-ins, words of encouragement, tips and even the odd kick up the backside can all help propel you towards your targets. Having something tangible to gauge your progress against is critical to achieving long term success. At Raise The Bar we use body fat and muscle mass targets for anyone who wants to lose fat. There will be days when everything is rosey, and on those days we need little accountability. But we all know that there is plenty of days where we experience the contrary, and for that we need accountability.

Implement these three factors and you wont go too far wrong, and remember simplicity and consistency trumps all. 

Contacting myself and Geina is another easy way to make a great start with your fitness - or request a gym visit here.


The Fat Loss Breakfast


Best way to get started exercising